In the Beehive section of the Kids and Bees world, the player is as small as a bee. She flies from the hive to collect nectar and pollen, and returns to the vast world of the honey bee hive. Inside the hive, the bee raises brood, makes honey and bee bread, builds wax comb, learns about the waggle dance, seals the hive with propolis, and more!
Lesson One: Beehive Treasures
Lesson Two: Honey
Lesson Three: Beeswax
Lesson Four: Anatomy
Lesson Five: Life Cycle
Students will venture from the honey bee hive and get to know a few other bees. In the Beetopia section of the world, the player will explore the habitats of bumble bees, sweat bees, and mason bees. They will learn all about the unique ways bees build their homes, as well as the challenges bees face.
Lesson One: Bumble Buzz
Lesson Two: Habitat
Lesson Three: Bee Nests
In the Farm section of the Kids and Bees world players can raise bees, build beehives, plant food, fiber, and flowers, and talk with farmers and beekeepers about bee-friendly and regenerative agriculture. They will learn all about the science of pollination, the importance of bees, and how we can all contribute to bees’ survival.
Lesson One: Pollination
Lesson Two: Bee Friendly Farming
Lesson Three: Bee a Hero