Kids and Bees Guidebook

Ideas and Inspirations for Teaching Kids About Bees

The Kids and Bees Guidebooks are a guide for educators to begin, or build on, their own kid’s bee-centered lessons, programs, and events. Author Sarah Red-Laird shares stories from her adventures working with kids and bees across the US and beyond. She highlights some facts about the important role youth can play in bee conservation, addresses those awkward-to-answer questions (stings, mating, the bee crisis, etc.), and gives easy steps to create your own kids program to engage our littlest potential bee advocates. Teachers and beekeepers will find an abundance of ideas and inspirations nestled in this handbook.

Start your own program, using our free e-book! Click here for the English version, and here for the bilingual English/Spanish version.

Kids and Bees Guidebook Resources

Weblinks Referenced in the Guidebook

The Honey Bee Life Cycle: Egg! Larva! Pupa! Adult!