Sarah Red-Laird, Kids and Bees Director

Sarah is a graduate of the University of Montana's College of Forestry and Conservation with a degree in Resource Conservation, focused on community collaboration and environmental policy. Sarah is director of Kids and Bees, a collaborative program of the Bee Girl Organization (BGO) and the American Beekeeping Federation.  To see her commitment to good policy and community collaborations realized, she also serves as president of the Northwest Farmers Union.  When she is not tirelessly working with bees, beekeepers, kids, farmers and ranchers, and policy makers, Sarah loves to read historical fiction, ride her bike, hike in the hills, and see new places, things, and people with her sweetheart, Hal. 


Tara Laidlaw,

Educational Content Developer

Tara is an instructional designer and teacher trainer passionate about using place-based education to inspire environmental literacy and stewardship in learners of all ages. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropological Sciences from Stanford University and a Master’s degree in Natural Science and Environmental Education from Hamline University, and she has worked at the intersection of formal and informal education for over a decade. Tara offers education consulting services through her own company, Out to Learn, and she works part-time as the Education Program Manager with the Southern Oregon Land Conservancy. When she’s not teaching science outdoors, you might find her sewing a quilt, leading a dance lesson, or getting her hands dirty in the garden. She loves bees because they invite genuine curiosity and wonder in learners of all ages... once you get over the fear factor, they're absolutely fascinating critters!

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Annika Bowman, Intern

Annika is a current junior at Dartmouth College pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies and Geography. Annika is passionate about conservation, sustainability, and environmental justice and spent the last term researching conservation and sustainable development strategies in Namibia and South Africa.  On-campus, Annika splits her time between the library, where she reads all the books she can get her hands on, and the Dartmouth Organic Farm, where she harvests, plants, weeds, and keeps bees for Dartmouth’s Farm Club and Beekeeping Association. 


The Kids and Bees program is also supported advised by the boards of directors of the Bee Girl organization (BGO), the American Beekeeping Federation, and the Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees.